Monday, July 29, 2019

ATOD Personal Theoretical Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

ATOD Personal Theoretical Paper - Essay Example As such, there is a need for prevention and treatment to avoid the condition to worsen and eventually, destroy certain parts of the body, such as the liver and kidney. Aside from its effects on a biological perspective, drug abuse also has a greater impact in the social and psychological aspects of the patient. And with this comes different perspectives interpreting the condition of drug abuse. The psychosocial aspect impacted by the condition has created several theories that allow the patient, the family and the society to understand the effects of such condition. Drug abuse is not something that affects the patient alone but it has a way of dragging the immediate circle of people that the patient is in contact with. It also extends to the people of the society since drug abuse has become a nationwide issue because of the number of cases that are reported. A recent popular approach to the study of drug abuse is the biopsychosocial approach. Compared to psychological approach, which sees drug abuse as a condition wherein the patient attaches itself to drug abuse to deal with personal needs and conflicts, the biological approach, which see drug abuse as a tendency of the body to crave for the dependency on the effects of the drugs abused, and social approach, which interprets drug abuse as something that is related to social conflicts and the need to belong, the biopsychosocial approach interprets drug abuse as a condition that combines and interrelates all three approaches. It does not deny or attempt to isolate the factors and the effects of drug abuse. It in fact seeks to understand how it creates a circular pattern that connects all three approaches. It is not a general approach to understanding drug abuse but is a specific approach that aims to see the different factors affecting all processes of the human mind and body. It may see m like a grand approach to understanding the condition and yes, it could be when interpreted wrongly. But

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